Monday, January 12, 2009

my funniest moment....

This happen not very long time ago. I’m a very active person and my daily life filled with activities. I love to go shop, jogs around my housing area, gardening with my family and help my sister with their school homework.

As usual, I woke up early for subuh prayer and then jogged near the playground because they have jogging track. But, without any reason, I decided to jog near the football field not far from the abandoned construction area.

I just felt it would be good to jog at new environment instead just stickled at same routine. The football field is quite a big area but to a consistent jogger like me, there would not be a big problem. I ran and ran until I saw a group of fluffy dogs near a bench. I just ignore them.

What I didn’t notice, the dogs were following me around. I started to panic but I tried to act normal. The dogs keep tailing me around which make me felt scared. The dogs started to chased me excitedly which drives me crazy. I started to crying and screaming for help. Luckily when I ran approaching the construction area, there two guys who was also jogging and I ran towards them with tear in my eyes. The two guys were shocked seeing me and they asked me why.

I told them that there was a dog chasing me. When I looked back, there were none of them. Instead of helping to calm my madness after being chased around the area, the two guy just laugh hysterically towards me. I feel so ashamed but a moment later, I joined them laughing. I can’t believe that I ran really fast until the dogs couldn’t chase me anymore

I think that was the funniest, scariest and embarrassing moment that I ever experienced in my life. I really hope I wouldn’t have to gone through the same incident anymore.